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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2024 in Posts

  1. grampp12

    Dash bulging

    I have a 2008 Fusion and also had similar issue with the dash bulging/popping out along the cabin side of the defrost vent, as well as along the topside of the passenger airbag. I bought the vehicle used in 2010 and I started to notice the issue in approx 2013/2014. I let it go (mostly due to time and unsure of how to fix it). Well, more recently, I decided it was time to tackle it. At the time of my repair, my dash had separated the entire length of the defrost vent, left to right, and in some areas I could reach my hand in up to the mid palm area. After much searching (Ie: Google-ing, YouTube searches, etc) for the ideal or appropriate adhesive, and based upon numerous recommendations, I ended up first trying a Permatex Clear Silicone RTV Adhesive. This, initially, seemed to work well, but about 48 hours after the the repair, it popped right up again --- DOH!! So, my next (and currently successful) effort was Contact Cement. I will outline below what I did so that it might help a few others that are having the same issue and want to attempt a repair: 1. I did the repair in my garage on a mild temperature day -- low 70s. (PS: garage door open and windows of car open as well due to fumes, etc.) Many adhesives will recommend to avoid direct sunlight for a period of time (usually no more than 24h) and to keep temperatures at a mid range. If you don't have a garage, I would pick a cooler day and maybe use a sun screen or cardboard in the windshiled. I also picked a weekend when I didn't need to drive my car for a good 24 hour stretch. 2. Don't waste your time on the RTV adhesive... after I had to "undo" the repair, it peeled right out in small sheets. Thankfully, it was a relatively inexpensive trial and came out pretty easily to "undo"... and maybe if I had a smaller area, it would have worked better (??) 3. I placed thin cardboard between the windshield and the dash and taped it in a few placed to the windshield... I say thin, because it is a small area to work in, so the thinner the better. I used a couple of opened-up cereal boxes. This also helped to keep any Contact Cement off of the windshield and made for easier clean-up. 4. I also applied blue painters tape to cabin-side of the dash near the defrost vent... again, mostly for ease of clean-up. The tape didn't want to stick very well, but I employed the "more is better" rule and had decent coverage. 5. Getting the adhesive in to that area is a real [insert expletive of choice]!!! :-) It's an extremely tight area!! I ended up wearing a rubber glove and would dip my fingers approx 2 inches into the Contact Cement. Then, as carefully as possible, I would use my gloved fingers/hand to spread the Contact Cement between the "popped" dash and the .... .... well, other part. :-) I repeated this process until I felt I had good coverage (felt slimy/wet) top and bottom from left to right and as much of the front to back of the "popped" area as I could reach. 6. Wait. I waited until the Contact Cement was good and dry on both sides --- I think I gave it a good 20-30 minutes. 7. Once thoroughly dry, I pressed the two areas together. There really is no good way to "clamp" this area. Some posts talked about using duct tape to tape the area down going from the dash and into the vent area. This didn't work well for met at all. So, I ended up stuffing some plastic bottles that I happened to have in a recycling bin between the dash and windshield. This came with some trial and error and thinking on the spot, but actually worked extremely well. It was not extremely compressed as I didn't want to damage the windshield/seal, or dash... just enough to provide a little to mild bit of pressure on the adhered areas. Smaller bottles (water bottles, small milk jugs, shampoo bottles, etc) seemed to work the best. There may be other or better ideas out there, but that's what worked for me. 8. I left the area "clamped" for approx 2-3 hours (probably didn't need quite that long, but no harm in having too much time). 9. Once unclamped, I removed all the cardboard and tape. I left the vehicle in the garage for another 24h (or close to it) per the specs on the can of Contact Cement to avoid direct sunlight for 24 hours I repeated similar process for adhering the dash above the passenger airbag, except that I used a scrap of 2x10 that I had in my garage as a weight on the area. :: DISCLAIMER :: Make sure you exercise judgment when working around the airbag components. I did not have to remove the airbag for this repair. If you do decide to remove the airbag module, just be aware that there are specific safety measures you should follow. Thus far, this seems to have been successful, but time will tell. I'm a little leery about how well this will hold up under the "stress" of hot summer days/high interior temps, etc, but for now, all seems well. :-) Hope this helps someone!! Good luck!!
    1 point
  2. Kristishianne

    Dash bulging

    I have a 2007 Fusion. Interior is nothing but problems. Dash is buckled. Vents popping out everywhere. Doesn't defrost properly because front vent actually is popped up and touching windshield. Lots of problems with the interior.
    1 point
  3. Dear Akirby, I am sorry that you do not think that this is a safety issue. I have a letter from the FEDS to say that this is a safety issue because the airbags have deployed and killed some passenger and injured others due to the bulging. So let me be clear YOU FIX YOUR CAR THE WAY YOU WANT TO. I AM GOING TO FIX MY CAR THE WAY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SAYS TO. So thank you for not caring and offering terrible advice.If you do not have the letter from Ford and a recall number then you can not give advice on something you have any knowledge of. Have a great day.
    1 point
  4. This problem is in a recall and I do not want to do anything Ford may seem to void my car. So I thank everyone for the suggestions, however I am going to wait to see what Ford does and the Federal government. If nothing is suggested by December I will contact the Federal government again. Thanks
    1 point
  5. decox123

    Dash bulging

    automotivemasters, Well, I wish I owned a shop too. Then maybe I could fix it myself. It seems simple and straightforward to you because that's what you do....Not to me. Unfortunately, no one in the LA area that I've found so far will touch it. However, if you know someone please give me the reference. I would gladly pay $100 plus labor. Thanks
    1 point
  6. We repair the dash bulging issue all of the time at our shop. Cost $100 including labor. Remove the glove box, remove the air bag (only a couple nuts hold it in), and pop off electrical connectors. Buy some small Irwin Handi-Clamps (they ratchet down), Permetex The Right Stuff Gasket Maker (typically in the caulk gun type), Heat gun or hair dryer, and a wooden paint stick. Heat dash with heat gun to make pliable. Install gasket maker under dash foam. Put paint stick on front lip. Use Handi-Clamps to hold dash down on paint stick (clamp only to flush, don't need to squeeze them down hard). Wait 5 - 6 hours just to make sure its dry. Reinstall. We have had Fusion's and Milan's that we've done this to over 3 years ago and the Permetex is still holding.
    1 point
  7. decox123

    Dash bulging

    Andy T, I think you missed the point. I have attempted to get it repaired several times by asking someone glue it down or do whatever they thought best. However, every attempt resulted in the body shop/repair shop saying that....you can NOT repair this and that you should NOT attempt to just glue it down and that they would NOT touch it because doing so could/would result in the airbag not deploying correctly creating a safety issue and potentially making them liable. So it's not about it looking bad. Furthermore, if we just buy a new dash the new one will eventually do exactly the same thing because the dash is a defective part and we should not have to completely replace the dash every 4 years because it starts the peal away....that's the point.
    1 point
  8. decox123

    Dash bulging

    I have the exact same issue on my 2008 Ford Fusion. I spoke with a body shop and dash repair person and both told me it can not be repaired and would need to be replaced. However, as someone else pointed out. I would be replacing it with the same product which would surely do the same thing again. So, as also suggested I called the (NHTSA) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Hotline at 888-327-4236 and filed a complaint. The more people that do that do more likely it is we get a investigation and remedy, so everyone with the issue should do the same. Otherwise, we all stuck replacing this defective product over and over again as long as we have these vehicles.
    1 point
  9. I took my ford fusion into the dealer at the beginning of this year because I noticed my passenger airbag was starting to bulge. They stated it was o.k. and I did not need to worry about it deploying. I asked them how much would it be to fix it and they told me that it COULD NOT be fixed; and no one recommended it should be replaced either. Now, that the Vegas summer is almost over, the bulge has gotten worse and it looks as if it is going to deploy. I bought a dashboard protector and solar shades and that still did not help the situation. I was wondering how we can fix this problem as a national recall.
    1 point
  10. joquin

    Dash bulging

    I have a 2008 Fusion with the same problem. Ford is denying this is a warranty issue and will not help. Does anyone have a solution. Clearly we are not the only ones with this issue.
    1 point
  11. jrsyshur

    Dash bulging

    I have an 08 Fusion and my dash is doing the same bulge. There is a lump right under the airbag on my passenger side. My vent on my dash by my windshield popped up on the driver side as well. Is there a glue that I can glee that plastic down? I seems that a clamp came out and it is almost impossible to get in up there to replace the clamp. Any ideas on a fix for the bulge or the pooped plastic vent? Thanks all
    1 point
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