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Everything posted by GConn

  1. Hey thanks for your reply, and yes..absolutely I am going to do all four wheels as they all have this same attack of rust (I know I only pictured one but I meant to say that all four are pretty much in the same condition). Thanks again, FD...
  2. I think my images will explain about 1/2 of this post for me..the other part is: I currently "plan" to take a wire-brush to these, and re-paint BLACK, but am wondering what you folks might think would look better...a "flat" ("Satin") type of finish, or a more glossy style? Also, any "tips"/advice/suggestions/etc. on how best to perform this job, overall, is MOST WELCOME! TANX, in advance, g . . .
  3. GConn

    Low Mileage `06 S

    Very good, and thanks again . . . .
  4. GConn

    Low Mileage `06 S

    Thank you very much for your reply.I have exactly 100 miles on the vehicle, so far.The standard/manual transmission/clutch/etc is perhaps the smoothest I've ever experienced..certainly one of the smoothest (and I may be naive, but is there really"much" that can be wrong with a manual/standard trans, I mean as opposed to modern, electronic/computer (expensive to repair!) automatics?The "key test" you suggest is interesting (I "think" I understand what you mean..), and yes, I've driven mostly with no radio/music and so far this vehicle very much "seems" to be in very good, "smooth" quiet condition . . . I suppose I'm wondering if there are any things that have been more known to be problematic than average/usual/normal with early-build Fusion's. I saw something about an A/C sensor, but that doesn't seem bad at all....?
  5. Well hello! I have five days (Carmax buy-back policy) to "decide" on this vehicle. MFG 05/06 (Mexico, correct?), 42,800 (now 42,900) miles, and to the best of my knowledge (?), the only option it has is leather. It is the 4-cyl with the standard/manual 5-speed tranny. Vehicle appears to me to have been garage-kept..rust virtually non-existent except on the steel wheels (visible behind the plastic hub-baps). Anything in particular I should/might want to look for (meaning be on the look-OUT for), please? I MEANT to get in here WEEKS (or at least DAYS) ago, and see what I could find out, but "life" got in the way . . . :- / Thanks in advance!
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