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Anuj Desai

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Everything posted by Anuj Desai

  1. And that fixed it for me! I didn't even really get to tighten the screws. Just tried to....and then tested. Maybe what I did realigned the straps or something. THANKS!
  2. Per my other post (http://www.fordfusionforum.com/topic/10171-moonroof-will-not-vent/), I am having problems with my moonroof. I wonder if it has to do with the two metal strings on the lateral sides of the moonroof. The strings may be bent/curved. I would like to see what a working moonroof looks like when it is open all the way to help diagnose the problem. Can anyone help? Close ups of the strings, deflector bar, and rails in general would be helpful. Thanks.
  3. Yeah. Not sure what the problem is. Maybe you can post a pic of your open sunroof area. Maybe your wires are also the source of the problem. I wish somebody with a working sunroof could post pics so that we could compare.
  4. Yeah - I played some with the wires yesterday, but no luck. I was wondering if you (or anyone else reading this post) can post a picture of what the wires should look like in a functioning moonroof. I'm wondering if my wires are pressed down to much already and maybe not taut enough. Another idea I found from a bimmer forum about spraying some lubricant or silicon spray in the rails and other parts of the deflector. See http://www.bimmerfest.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-397820.html Although my sunroof parts do look pretty greasy. So, I'm not sure if that helps. Anyway - if you or someone can post a close-up pic of what your wires look like. That would be great. Thanks.
  5. Here are pictures. https://picasaweb.google.com/109428632752905453039/Fusion?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCMHDi6KP1suGHw&feat=directlink One shows it open. I don't see any hinges per se, but at left, middle, and right, the deflector is attached to the roof by screws and some sort of nylon strip. Where do I look for the cracking? It all looks good. The deflector moves up and down freely. The other pictures are of the moonroof closed, showing how the deflector won't go down. Again, I can get it to engage by manually holding the deflector down. Do you think it has something to do with the two wires that the moonroof rails press on to get the deflector down?
  6. Thanks for the quick reply. A bit of a novice. Where are the hinges? Not the the three strings, I'm assuming. I'll try and post a picture soon. Maybe that will help out.
  7. I have a 2010 SEL. I noticed some wind noise the other day while my moonroof was shut. Upon closer inspection, my moonroof did not shut all the way in the front. It would not vent. It will open and shut, but not shut flush like before or vent. Upon further investigation, it appears that the deflector bar or plate on the front side, which is held up by three metal strings of some sort, will not go down when the glass tries to shut. If I hold it down with a screwdriver until the glass engages and then quickly get the screwdriver out of the way, it shuts perfect. It vents afterwards, too. But then, if I open the retract the glass back again, back to square one. So, the problem appears to be this deflector plate and getting it down so that the glass engages and seals. Any clue how to do so? By the way, I have tried the relearning process posted elsewhere, and it didn't help.
  8. OP - did you ever get this to work for you? Having the same issue and am out of warranty.
  9. What if you can't get the moonroof to vent up? Does this procedure help? Also is ON the same as RUN position in steps 1 and 2?
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