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  1. DW's 2012 SE 3.0L V6 has bout 28,000 miles on it. Mileage is fantastic..... ruffly 27 cruising around in the city & 38 out on the hiway.
  2. The wife has a 2012 3.0 v6 SE FWD. Sticker claimed 23 city 28 hiway. Well we considering a lawsuit against ford for misrepresenting mpg's. Her city milage has consistantly been around 27-29 mpg and hiway 36-38. They have no clue on what mileage an engine will to get.
  3. janiesfusion


    Wife has a the 12' SE v6 ... sticker states 23 city & 28 hiway. She was getting 24 city & 34 hiway. Now with little over 12,000 miles on it, she's getting 27 city & 39 hiway. Thiis last trip was 340 miles of going from 5,000 ft elevation to little over 10,500 ft and back down to 8,500 and back again reversing same route. It's just like a fime lady ...gets better with age.
  4. DW has 12' SE 3.0 v-6 and it gets 26 city & 35 hiway . not to shabby
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