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  1. Can anyone help me identify what appears to be leaking here? I'd say it's leaking about a teaspoon of pink watery fluid per day.
  2. I moved to a different province in Canada, and have to get my car safetied to register it. I recently removed the factory radio and installed a nav unit with an iDatalink Maestro. I was getting "No paired phones found" popping up on the display, which I learned was coming from SYNC. Because I didn't want SYNC anymore, I found the SYNC fuze and removed it. I took the car to get safetied and it failed the test because they were reading this code: U0253-00 Would pulling the SYNC fuze cause this? Will reinstalling the SYNC fuze (or even the factory radio) cause this to go away? If I choose to remove these again after the safety, are there any risks? Thanks.
  3. it might be 62186B. But this image doesn't look right.
  4. I'm trying to get my hands on this trim panel (see pic) but I haven't been able to find it on any of the "ford parts" websites. Can anyone help me out with a part number?
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