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  1. I bought all the supplies to fix the rust and repaint problem is how do i prevent the water from getting in again Seems like a simple problem on the design board that was overlooked Any word from Ford on this? #losingmeFord
  2. In the past month ... I've noticed a bubble starting under my driver side passenger door - and it just keeps getting bigger - it is soft to the touch... which means there is water trapped inside. Scary... as I guess it will just eat away until I spend $1000 or so to get it fixed - any thoughts from your body experts? see attached pix
  3. Same issue on my 2011 Hybrid Fusion... oddly... I only hear the knocking (my kids say it sounds like we're on a boat)... in the warmer months... I do not hear it in the colder months. I took my car in for brakes (last year during the summer), and my mechanic said when he was test driving it... he heard the noise... brought it back in... put it up and looked, and looked, and looked for the problem - but was unable to find anything that would be causing the noise. I have concluded that I will drive the car with the radio up - waiting for it to bite me... hopefully while doing 5mph on my driveway... and not 60mph on the freeway. Other than that I love this car!
  4. @FordService Love my 2011 Fusion! Hate the front end noises it makes! One question - Is this noise dangerous not to fix? i.e. > can I just turn the radio up and ignore? Totally terrifying... since it literally sounds like I'm in the hull of a boat - and the front end could fall off at any moment! signed, notacarguy
  5. Couple of comments here that I need help with. I'm not a car (engine) guy - so excuse my ignorance. I own a 2011 Fusion Hybrid. 1) With non-hybrid cars, I've always let the engine 'warm up' a minute or so to let the oil circulate through-out the engine for protection, before putting any load on it. With my hybrid, I start my car - but the engine doesnt come on until I press the gas/put a load on it (in winter the engine starts right away due to low temp). Just curious - is there a special technology that allows the hybrid engine to "lubricate faster" once I need the engine. There is one stretch on my commute that I can stay in EV mode for about a mile and a half... and it's always in the back of my head that when I need the engine to help me up the hill... that the oil is "not where its needed"... am I crazy? 2) again... Oil... the manual says change the oil every 10,000 - does this number vary depending on how many miles the engine wasnt on? I check my oil level every time I get fuel... and it's never low or in need of any additional oil... and after 5000 miles after my last oil change my oil life reads 71%... letting me to believe that the oil will last longer than 10k... scares me to run on oil for 10k miles!.... but my wallet and back appreciate it! Any comfort knowledge is appreciated! -JG
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