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  1. I think they will fit.. It will be close but I think they will be fine. Let me know. I'm curious.
  2. Looks like I need to fix these pics too.. Photobucket sucks now, so used Tiny pic and looks like they suck too. lol
  3. Good question. It's looks like the Continental does have a set of wheels that are 18s as does the MKX So they might work. https://www.wheelcollision.com/store/LINCOLN-CONTINENTAL.htm https://www.wheelcollision.com/store/LINCOLN-MKX.htm
  4. No, you have to use the Continental bracket. The calipers overall are bigger than the stock single piston ones.
  5. Sorry guys. Don't post much here. I think 18" wheels would be very close.
  6. I'm sorta obsessed with big brakes. lol So while my wife's MKZ was in the shop. I was given a MKX loaner which was pretty nice but noticed it had Dual piston calipers compared to the MKZ single piston. I was thinking it's a SUV, probably different platform, probably going to need custom brackets yada yada. Well come to found out thanks to Wiki it uses the CD4 platform.. I found out that the MKX uses a INCH bigger rotors with the Dual piston calipers. This might be worth the upgrade. Found some used calipers off a 2017 Continental (same calipers) with less than 1000 miles and got new pads and rotors. Everything bolts of up like stock. Can use the same caliper bolts also. The only extra part you need is the dust shields. You really don't need them but I bought some Continental ones off ebay for $10 just in case. The only downside to this upgrade is un-sprung weight but this ain't race car and if I was worried about gas mileage I would have got a Hybird. lol The Vehicles that come with the dual piston calipers are 2016+ MKX 2015+ Edge but not all of them have them. So it's hard to find them 2017+ Continental. I think this is the stranded brakes but not sure. 2017+ Fusion Sport. Only the sport gets the bigger brakes 2017+ MKZ. Like the Fusion. I believe they only come on the Twin Turbo V6 MKZ's. Any questions, let me know Thanks Steven
  7. I know the projectors have the moving reflector for the bulbs. Just wonder if hids will fit in the housings? No flicker problems? Thanks Steven
  8. Hahaa, Aint that the truth. I too never know what my wifes Milan trans is going to do. It's all over the place What's so crazy is every time under WOT it shifts so smooth and precise but around town it sluggish and clunky.
  9. The part that holds the pad in as a slight V-shape too it. It doesn't sit on the slider like the front calipers. That's the thing once the pads were in the bracket there was no movement because with the way those pads are held they don't slide. Just press against the rotor. Anyways it was just a thought. I'm going to keep a eye on them.
  10. I was going to mention this after changing my wifes brakes on her Milan.. Her front pads were about half worn but I would say the rears pads had about 25% left. Kinda surprised me the front pads are the ones that usually wear first. So after fighting with the damn things trying to get them in there I noticed they really don't slide/float per say like the front calipers are the many other's I've changed... The V shaped clamp pressing them against the rotor, which by the way is pretty tight. So I think with that V clamp pushing them against the rotor non-stop(no pun) they wear out faster. To me it would seem like they are pressed up against the rotor to hard all the time even when not on the brakes. I know the pads will the touch the rotor at all times but with pads that slide in the caliper there on being forced to the rotor when the brakes are applied. It's not a huge deal, but It's kinda be causing a little drag Just my thinking..
  11. Did you guys reuse those pads shims. I see there was a black one and silver one for each pad. I just used the silver one since it looked like the black was made for the OEM pads.. That ok Also man the fronts are a PITA with all those little pad clips and sliders. Mine kept falling out trying to put the pad back in. Needed 4 hands..lol
  12. All the rotors, calipers, pads are same between the gen's.
  13. Stock shocks? What's the part number and where I can get these springs?
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