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  1. Not sure if this applies to the newer Fusions, but when I worked at Ford a few years back, the 1st gen fusions had a similar problem. when cars came in with this issue, we would unbolt the slide frame from the lower frame, de-burr the edges of the holes (Do Not Enlarge the Holes!) lay down a small amount of white lithium grease on the track mating surfaces and tighten the frame down, worked something like 75% of the time. worth a shot
  2. Side Note: the mirror light bulbs are 194's
  3. Looks sharp... kinda Aston Martin like...
  4. Sorry, you have to pull the front bumper to replace the grill, or you run the chance of acidentally damaging your a/c condensor
  5. PGW is a Teir 1 Manufacturer of Glass for Ford. the Carlite name is appied by the manufacturer of that windshield. your "Carlite windshield" might be made by PGW, LOF, Service or other Glass Manufacturer. "Ford" does not manufacture any glass themselves. With that said, I see 5 possible problems that are causing you rain sensor not to work. 1) They replace the "rain sensor windshield" with a "non-rain sensor windshield" <meaning the windshield that was installed does not have a section of the third visor frit removed to allow the sensor to function. (third visor frit it the dot matrix above your rearview mirror) 2) The rain sensor pad (the gel pad between the sensor and glass) was applied incorrectly resulting in air bubbles present between the pad and the glass, thus sending incorrect signals. <<<<<most common issue 3) the rain sensor was not Calibrated after installation (all glass in manufactured to the same spec on thickness and to ANSI Z-26.1 spec)<<<most common on GM vehicles 4) the tech turned the key or touched the brake during the glass install while the rain sensor was unplugged (thus the car sees an open circuit and will ignore it until it is reset) <<<<<second most common issue 5) the tech actually damaged the sensor during replacement.<<<<uncommon I am a sundries specialist and I deal with these issues on a daily basis. any questions, feel free to IM me
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