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  1. Thank you Allen, you just saved me from owing a lot of money to some bad people! I asked my local Ford dealer about the service bulletin and they insisted they would not do any undiagnosed work. So they would need to an hour to run diagnostics, then another hour of repair time. They quoted me $225 + tax just to load some software. I'm not too tech savvy with cars, but I do know computers and I'm not sure why they couldn't just load the software patch, regardless of whether they felt it was needed - it isn't as if Ford was going to give them a patch that would break the car (although some conspiracy theorists might disagree)! Anyway, I bought the Veepeak scanner last week for $17.99 (since it had a $2 coupon), used an old Windows XP laptop I had lying around from my college days, and had it fixed in about 30 minutes. It would have gone quicker, but it took me a while to find the driver to install the scanner on my laptop. If anyone is looking for that driver, it is available here: https://www.veepeak.com/product/obdcheck-ms/ So, for the cost of less than the tax I would have paid on $225, I have a fixed car. The weather has been cold, so the mpg numbers have not been stellar, but I definitely have noticed a difference with it switching over to the battery and staying there for longer periods when I'm driving around town. I can't wait until next summer for my mpg to spike again!
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