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    U.S. Mountain
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  1. HHey guys wondering if you could help me out here. I have a 2010 fusion 3.0. Recently, I drove it to a friends house about 100 miles away from home. Car had zero issues before or during the drive. I get to his house and park it outside. Temps dropped to 0 degrees that night. About 36 hours after parking it, I go out to start it and I am getting crank but no start. I put some sea foam in the tank and pushed it into his heated garage. Let it sit for 24+ hours and still getting crank but no start. I started looking around under the hood and noticed that the wires to this sensor have broken off. My first question is, what is this sensor? I have circled it in red. That is my ECT sensor circled in blue as a reference point. My second question is, could this be causing my crank no start? I ran codes and got the codes pictured. I had no engine lights on before or while driving. Any insight is welcome! Would like a little guidance before I start to tear into this car. Thank you!
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