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  1. Yes it is! No power anything, although it does have a disc brake conversion. When ya open the hood, all you see are a couple wires and an engine. Funny thing happened while the FFH was in the shop early on for this issue......I took the shuttle home and figured I would just use the truck until they figured it out. Well....I forgot my keys on the key ring at the dealership so.....instead of riding back and forth again and eat up close to an hour.........all it took was a screw driver and 5ft of 14 gauge wire and I was on my way to the dealership to get the keys. Can't do that with the FFH.
  2. The parts came in mid week and all the work was completed without issues. I've had the car back on the road for a few days and everything is back to normal but then, I didn't expect anything but. I have to say that I've been doing some thinkng :idea:and I'm beginning to lean toward making my 66 F100 a more than occasional driver because of the lack of technology. There is just something about being behind the wheel of that truck. I'm sure, when I get the V8 installed I may have secind thoughts......or not :rolleyes:
  3. Car is in the shop over night. They tried for a couple hours to get computers to talk to one another and then said they would let me know something later. Later in the day I was told that parts were ordered and they should be here in the next couple days. Something about a steering rack and a couple sensors. Not sure if all of that was at issue but that's what I was told by the Service Manger and the writer. Anyhow, it sounds like everything is under control.
  4. Yesthe wheel is alway straight and level when driving. There are no real issues with tracking but.......... something that didn't dawn on me until just now....might have been the beginning of the issue. I noticed once or twice recently that the car will pull when braking. It happened during the last few mph before I came to a halt but it's one of those things you don't give much creedence or thought too because of how subtle i t was and also because road characteristics can cause variables as well. It's not like the wheel was jerked out of my hand but I guess it acted in way that was different than it shoud have. Plus when I think about it, I have stopped at the light more than a hundred times and it was only recently it happened. Actually, right after the last service when I had tires rotated and oil changed. I have to add that to my service request.
  5. Well, the car has been just about flawless for us this last year and almost a half. A couple small things have cropped up like the navigation voice becoming disabled and the stereo having a slight sound problem (that one has yet to be duplicated but is now happening with more frequency) but nothing that wasn't difficult to understand. Today, while driving in the parking lot at our local Martin's, the vehicle stability system decided to engage. I wasn't driving fast, only a slight turn and the pavement was bone dry; no ice, black-ice or water and it was solid asphalt. I thought at first it was actually on the road like a rock or something that fell out of a cart but it happened again, shortly after the first time and then the bells and whistles went off. Actually it was a warning chime and then the message center flashes "service vehicle stability system"......or something like that.....and turned off the system. Both the off light and activation light are light simultaneously now with the continuous message. I made an appointment for tomorrow but I'm not sure what to expect. Has anyone had a similar issue and what was the culprit/fix? Like I said in the beginning, the car has been great. Si if there is any heads up or insight, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
  6. Lee, I am looking at the paperwork right now. I think this is what you're referring to......... EEC Test. P0C2F:00-28 Ran oasis Found TSB 11-5-2
  7. Took the car in today and there was a TSB for deminished or reduced ICE power and something about engine idle increasing without pedal pressure. They reprogramed the ECM per the TSB and I'm happy to say everything is back to normal.
  8. We're getting between 645 and 670 miles per tank. This would be the last 5 tanks and is based on the DTE added to what the tripometer reads when we fill the tank. Worst was 598 and that was when we were at our coldest this winter. No matter what........Very happy with the mileage.
  9. I hate like heck to even post this but I'm not sure what to make of this since the car has been flawless for the last 16000 miles but......... Got in the car, started it just as I normally do, put it in drive and started down the street. There was no power from the ICE at all. The throttle would not respond yet it would continue to pick up speed after I took my foot off the accelerator. It did this with the electric motor only. At that time I did notice that two service wrenches' appeared in the information center (one small wrench and one very large wrench). was on my way to pick up my daughter from school and had to get there so I stopped the car and cycled the key off then on again. The wrenches dissappeared and then everything was normal....Well......pretty much but the car was operating in almost all EV mode with very little ICE the entire trip to pick her up. It even operated in EV when the car wasn't even warm yet. The car had been sitting since yesterday afternoon after arriving home from a road trip. I took it back out to take her to swim practice and everything was normal. It has seriously been a great year with hits car after what happened previously and I haven't a clue what the heck happened since we have not had a single issues like this in the 16000 miles we have drive it. This was also not the first trip we took with the car. It's just the strangest thing. I hope it was an isolated incident but I am taking it in to see if there was a code thrown. It's probably something relatively simple to determine so I'll know more later.. If anyone has an idea what happened.....I am all ears. Like I said, not a thing has been out of the ordinary.
  10. It's a foregone conclusion that as technology progresses only more and more will seep into our vehicles. There is no way around it until the offspring of the policymakers start succumbing to their own addictions and injuries or worse begin to happen to them. It's like the FAA and aircraft policy changes....the policies don't begin to make their way into the flow of things until planes and people start to disappear in large numbers and having a Father that was an A&P Mechanic for 55 years there are far too many examples I am aware of to list so.....back to the subject. I like some of the bells and whistles but in all honesty there are many I do not even pay attention to. Mostly out of my lack of knowledge but also because I don't give them much thought. I do believe you can train yourself to be very aware of things like BLIS, newer instrumentation, etc without losing attention behind the wheel but it takes a conscious effort and also understanding that when you are driving a car....that is what your purpose is....to drive the car. When I'm behind the wheel, I am looking all over constantly. It's a 360 degree view that you cannot lose sight of. I don't care what road I'm on or how congested, I'm looking as much ahead as I am behind and side to side but that was how I was taught to drive. Yet much of the stuff is no less distracting than trying to tune in an old analog radio in your 1966 Mustang or trying to locate a Cassette or even 8-track tape which is something that I did often many moons ago. The trouble is when we get carried away and forget we are driving a car. Technology, laws and the like have created a false sense of security behind the wheel of cars today especially when your driving around in one of this huge tanks called a Hummer, Yukon, F350 (when you have no need for an F-350 or any of them). Anti-lock brakes are not an acronym for "get so close to the driver in front of you that you can read his dash board and stop in time" any more than 4 wheel drive is "go as fast as you can in snow because I am invincible and won't spin out". Adding in the twitter, web mail and all of the other stuff is only asking for trouble especially knowing....well my 12 year old daughter cannot get her nose out of her electronics long enough to see where we are so how is she going to drive a car? I take the dang thing away from her so she can be aware of what is going on when we drive. I try to impress on her about awareness and had a great example the other day. She yelped out something and it distracted me. I have asked her and her mother to not be so flamboyant when they do this because it alarms me as the driver. Yet they continue to and it almost cost us the front end of the car the other day. Because I took my attention off my driving to see if she was okay, I almost slammed into the back of another car. But that is another distraction when driving and it would be next to impossible to ban conversations or exclamations by the occupants of a vehicle Since things will probably not change, the thing I would like to see is a more heads-up display. We have a Prius IV and an FFH. Both are 2010 models and of the two, I find the display and controls far less distracting on the Prius than I do the FFH yet they can be distracting. Still I can say with confidence I notice more of the vehicle systems without distracting myself behind the wheel of the Prius. It takes a good deal of effort to use even the steering wheel controls on the FFH. When you need to look at what button you are going to push and then shift eye focus from driving to the wheel, it is a distraction. By the way, our FFH is the first car with all the controls on the wheel that has needed this focus. This is because of where they are mounted. Closer to the 10-2 positions, where they were on our Odyssey, Accord and are on our Prius is almost perfect. Plus the way the Prius allows you to see the image with-out taking your eyes off the road is great too. Hope to see that in future FFH designs but as far as this poll is concerned....there wasn't an option for my vote. I'd have to say I like them but I also find some that are available un-necessary and ultimately dangerous given how people drive, walk, talk or chew gum.
  11. The system arrived UPS today and I actually surprised at the match they did with the leather. It's not perfect since these headrests are huge by comparison to accommodate the DVD system but the color is almost dead on. This is something that would be an issues no matter whom the system was purchased from. Anyhow the stitching is a tad bit tighter and it's only on one side of the seam. No big deal. There is one nice difference, the headrests have an adjustable pitch so.......It's not dso far forward that it's driving me nuts after being in the car for a while. I decided to go ahead and install the system either by myself or with the help of Tazzboo and save the 300.00 installation charge. So.....The new headrests are installed. That took about 15 minutes and was much easier than I anticipated. The cable ran right down the back of the behind the leather and out the base. I did have to unhook the plastic lock tabs on the leather but it went back together without a hitch. Tomorrow I'll decide where to install the FM Modulator and power source. Just need to be sure to not tap into that 120 line to the rear seat. That's be a wakeup call for sure. I also need to figure out how to route the cables from the drivers seat to the modulator. If I mount it in the center console, must be room under it somewhere for this thing........I'll just route the cable from each side under the console between the seats, If I choose under the passenger seat I guess the same way just not stopping at the console. Power is the next thing. Curious to know if there is anyone that has some suggestions or advice since I decided to do the install myself. I just hate taking things apart on a vehicle of this cost but I guess it's all relative. I had no problem popping panels and dash boards apart when I bought my first new car 30 years ago to install a stereo.....trouble is there was a lot less to screw up on that when compared to this. Thanks in advance.
  12. Well, I guess this one's a keeper. Just about 14,000 miles and we've been trouble free except for a couple minor and I do mean minor things. The last thimg was an issue with a noise in the blower motor for the HVAC and that was replaced without an issue. Been as quiet as it was on day one since. So, the DW and I sat down and discussed our upcoming trips and decided that since a couple will involve more than 10hrs in the car it wouldn'tbe a bad idea to go ahead and purchase the Headrest DVD system. I tried to look at the one from Invision that is soldat the dealership but when I wennt to the site, there was nothing for Ford listed. Then I went on-line and found one from Audiovox. Touch screen, and all. Even has a ton of games downloaded into the system. I'm sure they are all close to the same with bells and whistles but what sold me was the touch screen. It was a fairly decent price given all of the stuff that is included when compared to the non-toch screen version at the dealer. I would have liked to buy it from the dealer since our Service manager has been nothing but good to us but we saved almost 400.00 over what they were charging and that includes installation. That means I can buy more things for the car as we go along. Looking at the moulded mud flaps and a couple other things....maybe a wood grain kit is a thought. Anyhow, is there anyone out there that has installed one of these systems in their FFH? We are having it professionally installed so I'm not looking for easy ways of that but more how everything works and do the kids/passngers in the rear seat enjoy things.
  13. Haven't had too many days of snow here this year. We had the one storm in December and the rest have just poofed out before arriving. We seem to be in some sort of vortex between the sea and mountains that basically changes the weather. North of us can get clobbered with all kinds of stuff and even South but for some reason.......more times than not we do escape. Sucks when you are hoping for a good storm for rain and it skips over you. Anyhow, has anyone changed their gas in the tires....from plain old compressed air to nitrogen.......noticed any different effects in the snow? I ask because I did and noticed a difference in the car on dry and wet pavement. It is for the better on both so I hope the law of averages works in my favor. I also noticed an increase in mileage of about 2-3mpg as well. Still a long season ahead. We have seen snow as late as April even in this area. Happened in 2007. Even back in Atlanta March seemed to deliver a couple wallops while I lived there over the last 20-30 years. I don't know but this year for ya'll to our North....it reminds me of the 60's and 70's. There were some very good storms during those decades. Growing up and living in Chicago I remember the winters of '67, 72. 77, 78-79 and even 83 and 84-85 being very cold and filled with snow. Coldest winters I ever experienced were those of 83-84 and 84-85. Seem to remember the temp being 47 below a couple times and that was not the wind chill. We canceled Christmas at my families because it was so cold we didn't want to get stuck on the road. I also remember having an old four-banger EXP with a 5spd that I had to keep running over night to keep it from freezing solid so I could get to work the next day. That was a cold winter and one of my last for years living in the North!!!!!! Then I somehow ended up in NY South of Rochester. Sheesh!!!!!
  14. Egen, I understand your point. It's just my perception with the vehicle but......Florida is a much hotter market for Hybrids given the lack of temp swing and the terrain. I'm not saying we don't have a good number of them here in Central VA on the I-95 corridor (considering we own one of each species...Fusion and Prius....) but given our winters I would say that some are reluctant to make the switch and this has some Dealerships offering incentives or perks to entice folks to get the old model year off the lot. I watch things here too, mainly because I like to see the trend so I can determine when before our warranty is up I will decide to trade up. There were 3 or 4 separate dealerships in the area that had an abundance of 2010 FFH's and they weren't bringing in the 2011's until the others were gone. The dealership I purchased from had 8 as late as October but on my last trip in November....they were gone. Living in many different regions of the country over the last 30 years I would say that it's not uncommon for the "area dealers" to increase incentives over and above what the factory issues. The only markets out of all those where things were as the factory stated were on vehicles that were sought after in that area. I also remember driving to another state to get a deal on a vehicle but the trouble nowadays is that the states have wised up on taxes and you end up getting nailed. When we moved from Missouri to Virginia in 2006, I wished that we had waited to replace our totaled Odyssey until we arrived here but making our way across the country in an Accord coupe was just not in the cards. If we had waited..... we would have saved probably 2 grand out of pocket in the end between taxes and other things especially since in Missouri you do not pay sales tax on the vehicle at the dealership. Payments are made at the DMV.
  15. Eneg, In South Central Virginia we had incentives extended to all Ford Models including the Hybrid but excluding the Shelby. If I remember correctly it was back in Sept-Oct. and the incentive was 0%-60 months or something like 3000.00 cash back on all 2010 models.
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