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Stanley Lui

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  1. Well, it certainly didn't take long for the euphoria of finding work to be replaced by the nervousness of a new job, LOL!

  2. I don't know how much you can take from this, but I have the 2010 SE and I think it handles surprisingly well. Only had the car for 2 days before I drove it between cities through a small snowstorm (southwestern Ontario). Some roads were barely visible, blowing snow everywhere, cars in the ditch. etc. ABS and traction/stability control kicked in a few times, and there was definitely a bit of lateral movement in spots, but I never lost control, even when the car in front of me was skidding around. I'm coming from an Oldmobile with snow tires, but I still have the default tires on this baby. I'm definitely getting snow tires before next winter, but this wasn't at all as bad as I'd feared.
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