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Fusion Member
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Everything posted by jb124

  1. My rear brake pads wore out way before my front ones on all of my previous cars except for my current Fusion. I figured out that it was because I extensively used engine braking with the manual transmissions on my previous cars but my current one is an auto. Is yours a manual?
  2. I don't understand why a car with a v6 engine delivering 263 HP/249 Torque isn't rated for towing, not even Class I. Why is that? Is it because of the brakes? Frame? Transmission? If the Escape with a 3.0v6 or the 2.0T can be rated for up to 3500 lbs on a smaller frame, it seems to me the 3.5L Fusion should be rated for 3500 too, right?
  3. I have the 2010 Sport. I am extremely disappointed in the post-take-off acceleration (rolling start, passing, etc). It was my first automatic transmission car so at first I thought the slow downshift was just me not being used to using an ATX but after a few years and a few rental cars, I realize my car hates to accelerate. Yes I have the select shift thing but I'd rather just hit the gas and have it downshift for me. It moves very fast from a dead stop though. Is this a common thing with the 6-speed ATXs or do I just need to put more lead in my shoes? It would be nice if it had a 'sport mode' like other ATXs.
  4. I only get around 15 mpg but I rarely drive more than 4 miles at a time (2010 with less than 12k miles). When I do get it out on the open road, it gets up to around 30 mpg.
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