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Everything posted by Jetcutter

  1. Or. you could have them Powder coated. The technology has advanced in such as you can actually powder coat ABS. Not cheap, but as far as the colors, sky's the limit as far as choice. And UV resistant.
  2. Agreed. I'm not thrifty by any means,, I skip right on through to plain Cheap!! :D I have remote and have only used it once to see if it worked. Here in Ohio the weather goes from one extreme to the other seasonally.
  3. 2002 Grand Am SE. She was tired, Starting to rust in the classic Grand Am gas cap area. The kicker was when the 130K motor developed a timing chain rattle. Miss: It,, loved it when it was tight. Dont miss: Replacing a timing chain. Looking at the annoying rust spot 27 MPG
  4. 55.5 MPG is Fantastic! My best has been 44.8 i roughly average about 42 MPG on my daily 23 mile commute to work (Depending on the weather ). And welcome!!
  5. Just wanted to say hello all. My 2010 Fusion Jet Somehow got double posted. Would a kind moderator fix this please?
  6. Just wanted to say hello all. My 2010 Fusion Jet
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