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Everything posted by Mutnat

  1. I think that's the case for models that have the message center. Mine isn't a Sport, just an SEL, but I have the message center and no light. It dings at me every 10km or so starting at 80km remaining until I fill it. I think a light on the dash would be pretty redundant.
  2. Thanks for the heads-up! Looks like it's sold out at the moment, but I might look to pick one of those up one day. Is it easy to remove and fold up when needing to load large objects in the trunk?
  3. Hi Grey, I can't help you with how long it takes (yes the splash screens are a bit annoying!). However, I think I can resolve both the other issues. When the rear view first shows up on your screen, you should briefly see a Settings button pop up in the lower left corner. If I remember correctly, you can adjust the angle of the camera there, as well as the brightness of the image. I've actually been pleasantly surprised at how bright mine was from the factory and how well and far I could see on the screen, so maybe it was just set brighter than yours. Hopefully tweaking these settings can make you happier, even though they don't resolve the speed issue when first starting the car.
  4. I don't have sync services (because I'm in Canada and apparently we're some backward 3rd world nation), but everything I've read suggests that they actually make phone calls to retrieve the info, not text messaging. If you think about how limited the message size is (140 characters) for texting, Sync would tear through a whole lotta messages to get the info it needs for those services.
  5. #2 (Phantoms) is my first choice, with #3 (Konig Further) as my second choice.
  6. Yeah, it's just a flat-black plastic finish though, not glossy paint or anything. It does look nice though, and gives a nice contrast on most body colours.
  7. I can't say for sure. I've got a 2011 SEL. Are you sure you're holding the button long enough? You have to hold it about 5 seconds or so, maybe even a bit longer. (To prevent accidentally activating it, I suspect.)
  8. Yeah I had my phone charger (with LED while powered) plugged in constantly for 3 years in my 2008 Fusion and never once had a dead battery.
  9. Actually, it's just worded in a confusing way. Here's what the manual says: This means that if you're sitting in the car still (haven't opened any doors) and it's been less than 10 minutes since you turned the car off, then you can't open the windows by holding down the unlock button. As soon as you cancel the *active* accessory delay by opening a door, you'll be able to use this feature. It doesn't mean the accessory delay has to be disabled so that it cannot be activated (in use), it just means that it can't be in use when you try to use the Global open windows feature. Try it, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised! Cheers!
  10. Okay I don't know about the rest of your post, but I think I can help with this. I don't think you need to change anything for this to work. This works on my 2011 SEL right from the factory without changing the Accessory Delay. With the car off and locked, just hold down the unlock button on the remote for about 3-5 seconds (I forget exactly how long) and both front windows will roll down, and the moonroof (if you have one) pops up.
  11. Mutnat


    Adaptive cruise control in a Fusion? No, I don't think so.
  12. The way the MTE (miles to empty) works is that the computer keeps track of your fuel consumption/milage over a longer, rolling period of time (I believe it's about 1,000mi/1,600km), and based on that longer-term average, it "guesstimates" how many more miles you can drive before your tank empties. In theory, you will continue to keep driving with an approximate average milage in the future as you have in the medium-term past. This accounts for driving styles, etc. When the car was being repaired, I suspect the computer was reset, or was disconnected from power long enough to lose it's history. So it started from scratch without your driving style history and guesstimated 410 miles based on some sort of factory defaults. In the mean time since you got it back, it has been recording more and more of your driving history, and continues to adjust the MTE downward based on your average MPG over the period of time. I'm not sure why it has settled down to about 80 miles less than you were getting before, that does seem odd. I'm not surprised that it reset to 410 during the repairs, nor that it has gone down since then as you drive, but it's the lower average now than before the accident that seems strange. Has your driving style changed? Are you more agressive? Maybe it's temperature differences? Hard to say for sure.
  13. Well, the Hermosillo plant in Mexico is one of the best factories Ford has. http://media.ford.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=18021&make_id=trust Also, as others have pointed out in past discussions, the assembly is done in Mexico, but much of the components (such as the engine) are produced in the US.
  14. Does your car have rain-sensitive windshield wipers? Mine does, and it has a box right beside the rear-view mirror that houses the sensor for that. (This is in addition to the remote start box-with-antennas a bit further onto the passenger's side of the top of the windsheild.)
  15. Whoops, my bad. Sorry for the bad info, I didn't realize it wasn't a different transmission between the select shift and non-select shift versions. Thanks for the clarification! The tires are different, too. Maybe the tires on the 18" rims have more rolling resistance than the 17s?
  16. No, the hardware is different. The non-Sport 6-speed with selectshift is the one that everyone seems to complain about, the 6Fsomethingsomething. I've got this combination personally, but I've only had the car for a couple of weeks and 500km (a bit over 300 miles) and so far no issue really. It's a tiny bit slow to react sometimes, but then I don't find it noticeably more laggy so far than the old 5-spd auto that was in my 2008 Fusion. Time will tell, though. As for milage, I do about 90% city driving, largely short trips, and I do tend to drive fairly hard. Getting about 13L/100km so far, which is about 18.1 MPG. But again, it's so new it's hard to use this as an indicator.
  17. To the best of my knowledge, this is not possible in the current system.
  18. That looks fantastic! Nice simple mods really pay off sometimes eh? Congrats, and welcome.
  19. Actually it is on the 2011's with the Sport Appearance Package. I think the deceleration lag is for emissions-control purposes to help limit partially-combusted hydrocarbons. Or something like that.
  20. Congrats, BAD! Please post some pics when you get a chance!
  21. If I've got a bass-heavy tune cranked, I can hear my sunglasses vibrating in the compartment in the headliner that holds your sunglasses...
  22. And in Canada they should be able to raincheck the current incentives. My dealer has done that for me with every vehicle I've ordered through him (now 6 and counting). Once the vehicle arrives, they will look at whatever incentives are in place then vs. the rainchecked incentives, and give you the better of the two.
  23. Since you can now get an SE with the appearance package, I'm changing my vote to Fusion all the way. You'll appreciate the extra room with your family, and you can always do some aftermarket stereo upgrades easily enough if you decide the stock system isn't good enough. Sunroof is nice but probably not a necessity. Fusion all the way.
  24. Yeah, that's how they used to look until part-way through the 2010 model year, apparently: Yeah that's the foglight icon. It lights up when the fog lights are on, if I remember correctly.
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