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Everything posted by propwash

  1. Ditto for me. I'll be sorry to see you depart. We'll miss your words of wisdom and your very helpful suggestions. Any chance you'll reconsider?
  2. Wow! That really looks nice. Was that stuff the self-adhesive peel and stick type, or did you have to use separate adhesive?
  3. Just a thought, but if you can't find an exact color match, have you ever thought about going with a contrasting color, such as a grey or charcoal? That way, you won't have to worry about getting an exact match to something that's already there. There is also the possibility that you might find something is a salvage yard that is in pretty good condition. That way, all you'd have to do would be to swap out the parts. God luck and keep us posted.
  4. Me too. I'm not seeing the content, and I still have to sign in twice every time I visit the site.
  5. I ended up deleting a day's worth of browser history from Firefox, and that seemed to fix the issue. I can now log on using Firefox with no problem. If I have more problems in the future, I guess I'll just try deleting browsing history again. It seems to be working fine now.
  6. I need some help. Yesterday I tried to log in to this site during the afternoon and I couldn't do it. I got a message saying that either the IP address has changed, there has been a server misconfiguration or the site may have moved to a different server. I thought this might have something to do with the announced site changes, so I decided to wait and try again later. I tried a couple of times last night and this morning, but I kept getting the same error message. This all happened when I was using my desktop. This evening I decided to try using my laptop, and it worked just as always. I still can't log on with my desktop. The error message suggested trying to clear out the dns cache but that didn't work. After I cleared the cache I rebooted, but that was no help I went back to the desktop and tried to log on using Edge. No problems. Internet Explorer seems to work fine also. The problem seems to occur only when I use the Firefox browser. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening or how I can correct it? Thanks.
  7. For the last few years I have been given a rate of $25 for a five month subscription. The hassle was that I had to call up on the day before the subscription expired to try to negotiate a similar rate again. If I waited until the last day, they would already have renewed me at the standard rate ($15.99/month). Then I would have to cancel and have them reinstate the special rate. My last subscription expired the day after Christmas, and I got an email from Sirius in November offering to extend my existing special rate for another five months. I didn't have to do anything--no threats of cancellation or negotiating with middle-level customer service agents. It made things pretty painless. The only problem is that when this subscription expires I have to call them up the day before again to renegotiate (unless they decide to offer me the same deal again)! I will only continue to subscribe as long as I can keep getting the $5/month rate. I don't spend enough time in the car to justify spending any more on satellite radio. As long as they keep offering me that deal, I will probably keep subscribing.
  8. Thanks for the info. It looks to me like the most important steps are numbers 0 and 9.
  9. Welcome, James. I hope this forum proves beneficial to you. I've learned a lot about my Fusion from reading the posts here.
  10. You say it happens every time you drive your car on the highway. When you take it in for your next appointment, get one of their service techs to ride with you. Take the car out on the highway and show him what you're talking about. If, for some reason, you don't hear the noise, put him in the back seat. It might be possible that the weight in the passenger's seat might have some effect on the noise. Noises like that can be really hard to pinpoint. I had one once which I was convinced was coming from the foot well in front of the passenger's seat. My roommate rode along with me and was convinced it was coming from in front of the driver's seat. After a lot of frustration and experimentation, we finally discovered that the noise was coming from the middle of the car. It was in the spring button on the emergency brake handle. Have the tech ride along with you, and you should be able to reproduce the noise so he can hear it. Good luck.
  11. I'm using Firefox version 55.0.3 and Windows 10.
  12. Thanks. I was beginning to think that no one else knew about this problem. I'm glad to see that I'm not alone. I hope they can get things straightened out soon. I know when you make some changes that it sometimes takes awhile to get everything working exactly the way you want. I guess we all have just got to have a little patience. Thanks again.
  13. Since the changes were made to the site this last weekend, it seems like I now have to sign in twice every time I visit the site. When I go to http://www.fordfusionforum.com/ , I am presented with the screen asking me to sign in. After I enter mu user name and password and click on the "sign in" box, I'm taken to another page where the sign in box is still there, but my name and password are already filled in. So I have to click on the sign in box once more in order to reach the forum. In both of these sign in screens, I have checked the "remember me" box. I thought that should eliminate the necessity of having to sign in each time. The way the setup was before, every time I would go to the forum, my user name was already there on the page and I didn't need to sign in. I think I would have to verify my password about once a month or so, but no more often than that. Am I doing something wrong under the new setup? I surely would like to not have to sign in each time I visit the forum, and I certainly don't want to have to navigate through two different sign in screens. Does anybody have any ideas as to what different techniques I might try to not have to sign in (once of twice) every time? Thanks.
  14. Looks great! Wanna do mine for me?
  15. You frequently see that in Consumer Reports. The 2012 was the last model year of the previous generation, and the 2013 was the first model year of the next generation. By the time the 2012 was in production, they had worked most of the bugs out and it was a pretty reliable car. Being the first of the next generation, the 2013 had the usual amount of first model year bugs that were gradually fixed over time.
  16. It's definitely not mileage based on my 2012. I don't drive that much, --- I have only gone 900 miles since my last oil change, but my IOLM says I have 44% life left. That means the system thinks I have used up 56% of my oil life in less than 1000 miles. A couple years ago I took a 1200 mile trip right after an oil change. My monitor showed 99% when I departed. When I got back home, my IOLM showed 90% remaining. The trip was mostly freeway driving with cruise control on. That is much easier on the engine than the around town stop- and-go driving that I usually do. That makes me think that the system really does analyze your type of driving to calculate your oil life.
  17. I got a call from Ford today saying that they still were working on the problem I reported about not being able to update my Sync system. This was the call I was supposed to get about a week ago, but I guess better late than never, right? Anyway, I told them how I was able to work around the problem and that I reported a successful update to Ford, and that they had responded to me that they received my report. I think that since I reported success that they will drop whatever efforts they were making to change the instructions on their web site. I have saved the steps I used to get the update to work, and if Ford ever comes up with a new update I will at least have a backup procedure to follow if I have any difficulty.
  18. Yeah, at least for my radio, the steps they gave on the web site didn't work. Their step 6 said something like...prompts will display. Press Seek until Install Applications is highlighted. Then press OK. I could never get Install Applications to appear on the display. What worked for me was after I got USB Selected to display during step 5, I turned the right-hand radio knob (the one for station tuning) until the display showed System Settings. Press OK. Then turn the knob until Advanced appears on the display. Press OK. Turn the knob again until Install Applications appears. Press OK. Then continue on with step 7 from the web site. That's what worked for me. I don't know if there is something wrong with my radio, or if I misread their instructions on the web site, or if their instructions need to be tweaked a little. Anyway, that's what worked for me. I would suggest that you try to follow their web site instructions first and see if it works for you. If not, you may want to try what worked for me. I can't make any guarantees, but like I said, it did work for me. Good Luck.
  19. I finally got the problem solved with a little help from Ford. I called the Sync customer service number and explained to the tech that I was following the instructions on the web site but never got to the point where "Install Application" appeared on my radio's display. He suggested that I go out to the car and he talked me through the steps to determine which version of Sync I had installed. We determined that there was one update available to get me up to the most current version. He said he couldn't help me any further, and that he would kick my case up to the next higher level, but they would have to get back to me the next day because they were about to close right then. At one point while I was following his instructions to determine the Sync version I have, one of those steps led to a display of "Install Application" on my radio's screen. Fortunately, I remembered how I got to that point, and after I hung up from the phone call, I took my USB drive out to the car, inserted it into the USB port, and repeated the steps to get to the display reading "Install Application." I hit OK and the update then started. I got the "Installation Complete" message on the display and the audio message that the update was successful. I then removed the USB drive, inserted it in my computer and reported the successful update to the SyncMyRide site. Everything appears to be working fine now, and I wrote down the steps to take so I can do it again the next time there is a new update available. Of course, Ford never did get back to me the next day!
  20. That's not what I got when I unzipped. The first file for me appears to be the same size as yours but mine has a date of 2/19/2017, where yours is dated 4/30/2016. There's more differences in the second file. Mine is a different size than yours, 112,490 KB instead of 109,230 KB, Where your file name ends with "AF.sec" mine ends with "AG.sec", and the dates are different as well. The next four seem to have the same name and file size, but the dates are different. Of the remaining three, one of yours matches the name of mine but the file size and date are different. Now it gets interesting. You have two files that I don't have, and I have two that you don't. Your last two are E1BT-14D546-GA.CAB and FJ5T-1D546-JA.pks. Mine are E1BT-14D546-MB and E1BT-14D546-PA. These are not even close to one another. I suppose the difference might be because your Fusion is a 2011 and mine is a 2012 model, but I'm not sure. I tried to do the update again this morning, but it still hangs up at the same place. Still confused....
  21. When I unzipped the file, i got a folder named SyncMyRide with nine files in it, and two other files. One is called install.lst, and the other is autoinstall.lst. I used a brand new, freshly formatted (FAT32) USB drive. I inserted that USB drive into two other computers, and none of them had a problem recognizing what was on the drive. I'll try again with the same drive tomorrow. If that doesn't work, I'll see if I can find another one lying around, I'll try unzipping the files to that drive and see if I have any better luck with that one. Thanks for the advice.
  22. I tried that, and when I got to what Ford calls step 5 in the process, the screen displayed,"USB Selected." Step 6 says to press Seek until you see "Install Application?" I never got that display. It just said something like "no files found." I tried again two more times. I then formatted the USB drive (again) and downloaded the file from Ford again. When I unzipped it, the result was the same: the SyncMyRide folder with nine files in it, and the two .lst files. I tried the installation again and got the same result: "no files found." That's what made me think that i was supposed to copy those nine files right into the root of the USB drive. When I got the "No Files Found" message I thought that maybe it was looking in the root directory instead of inside the SyncMyRide folder. I appreciate the suggestion, but it doesn't seem to work. Anyone else have any ideas? Thanks
  23. I downloaded the update that the Ford SyncMyRide web site said was the one for my car. I don't have My Ford Touch--just the regular Sync with the Sony audio system.
  24. I'm trying to update the Sync on my car, but I have a question about unzipping the files. The zip file I downloaded contains a folder called SyncMyRide and two files named install.lst and autoinstall.lst. The instructions on Ford's web site say that after unzipping, "Select all of the items inside the unzipped folder. Drag and drop them onto your USB drive." The SyncMyRide folder contains nine files. From what they say, I thought I should drag those nine files from the SyncMyRide folder and drop them into the root directory of the USB drive. However, the screenshot they show on Ford's site shows the USB drive with just the SyncMyRide folder and the install.lst file. Nothing else. My question is do I put those nine files in the root directory of the USB drive, or put them in the SyncMyRide folder in the USB drive? I may have overlooked something obvious on the Ford site, but I have checked and double checked, and I'm still a little confused. I would appreciate some advice from someone who has had success in installing one of these updates. Thanks for the help.
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