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Everything posted by oriza

  1. FYI, I re-tried your fix. I did it at night with the car running and I think I wasn't seeing a difference because it took way more than just 2 turns to raise the headlights noticeably. I had to make about ten complete rotations to raise it two inches. Raising them didn't help the dimness, but I wanted to mention that in case anyone else wants to try your fix-- your fix might be perfectly fine and instead it's my headlight covers (or the halogen bulbs) that are the problems.
  2. I am not sure what you mean by reset? I tried allen84's reset fix already. I have been seeing things on this forum about the o2 sensor and how that can cause bad fuel mileage. I imagine that would throw a diagnostic code when I run forscan though...? I guess I might try to reset the BECM entirely. I see that FORSCAN has the option of a BECM reset. I can't find any information on what that does in the FORSCAN documentation or on Google so I'm a little scared of breaking my car though. If that doesnt work I'll take it back to the dealer since i just got paid this week and have a bit of extra money to run the battery tests.
  3. Yes, it does turn green. Here's a picture. (Ignore the 35.1 MPG-- I accidentally reset that gauge when I was trying to reset the timer gauge.)
  4. @bangster I'll check tonight, but I think the behavior you're describing is visible even in Empower mode, because I definitely recall my car's temperature gauge turning green after a certain amount of warm-up time. As you can see in the video, the engine does switch into EV pretty regularly, so the ICE is definitely not running constantly. Also-- I really appreciate the responses and suggestions I'm getting on this issue. It's a relief to be able to discuss this without fear of judgment from my dealer/mechanic! I'm always nervous to ask questions of them.
  5. Hmmm. I assumed the reason my charge level was at 100% was because the engine had been running for the ten minutes before I started this video (it's about 30 degrees F here in Michigan, so it needed to warm up). After I spend about twenty minutes driving it usually goes down to about 50-60%. I don't have $3k to my name at the moment so a battery replacement is definitely out of the question. I thought that hybrid batteries were supposed to last the lifetime of the vehicle. Also, allen84's battery age reset fix is for 2010 FFH vehicles. Those vehicles are the same age as mine. Why would the battery reset work for them, and not for me, if our batteries are the same age?
  6. @apothiccaI still haven't figured it out I use regular gas. I have not tried calculating my fuel mileage by hand yet. I will try that next time I drive. Here is the video of me driving. Like I said before, it's not really representative of how the car behaves overall, because I was driving in an empty parking lot and couldn't go very fast. Sorry my voice is kind of geeky , I am a 26 year old woman but I always sound like a ten year old boy in recordings :C
  7. I tried this after I saw you post this fix on a different thread. It didn't help at all. The headlights are just as dim as they were before, and I didn't see any noticeable change in their height angle.
  8. OK, here is a video of me doing the fix. Hopefully it looks OK, my phone is pretty garbage. I accidentally pressed "I don't know" when asked if I had an MS-CAN switch but in the past I usually press "yes" because I do have the switch (I keep the switch pointed towards the wire-- occasionally it hasn't connected properly if the switch isn't in the right place). Please pardon the grubby state of my car (I do a lot of fieldwork and the dirt/mud gets everywhere...) I also took a video of how the EV meter behaves when I drive. But I don't think it's really representative of how it behaves overall, because I was driving in an empty parking lot and couldn't go very fast. But I'll still post it if someone thinks it would be helpful.
  9. I do get the green EV box. It's not nonexistent but it does turn off pretty quick. If I'm very careful I can get it up to the third line but only when I have enough momentum already... I think I will film myself doing the fix and maybe someone on here can tell me if I'm doing anything wrong? I will get that alignment check. I would think a mechanic would've caught that by now tho. This has been a problem ever since I bought the car. I got it secondhand and before I bought it, I had the mechanic look it over and they didn't say anything about an alignment issue.
  10. Sorry, I should have said this in the beginning-- I'm getting that gas mileage even in the summer. (It's winter here now, so it's definitely lower, but in the summer it still only gets up to maybe 33.)
  11. Did you look at the sticky thread at the top of the forums? allen84 posted really great instructions on restoring your EV function (and thus, your gas mileage). It will require a windows laptop and an ODB tool (about $15-20 from ebay or amazon). Almost everyone in the thread got much improved MPG as a result. Ironically, I'm one of the few people who didn't see any improvement from that fix, but I'd still recommend you give it a shot first because it worked for most people.
  12. Hi all, I have a 2010 FFH with about 73k miles on it. I bought it used about a year and a half ago. Since I bought it, it's been to several mechanics, none of whom can figure out why it gets about 31-32 mpg. I get regular oil changes, always maintain accurate tire pressure, hypermile, etc. I followed allen84's instructions for resetting the battery age, and restoring the EV function. I believe it took, as i got the window popup that confirmed the change, and then cycled the ignition off and on. I didn't notice much of a change, but I gave it a month or so and it never improved. I did the fix again about a week ago and still nothing... What else can I do to solve this? I brought it to the dealer-- of course they hadn't heard of allen84's fix. They offered to run a battery tests for $150 but said they almost certainly wouldn't find anything. I declined in the hopes of posting here. Perhaps folks here know some other tricks with FORSCAN that might be able to help? (Alternatively, does anyone live in southeast Michigan who would be up for taking a look for some compensation?)
  13. As I mentioned earlier, I am still getting terrible mileage even after doing this fix. Well, I took my Fusion to the dealership today here in Ann Arbor and was told that they would be happy to do the $140 worth of tests required to assess my battery, but they "almost never find anything" when it comes to fuel mileage problems. I brought up this procedure and the tech had never heard of it. Curious if that's a direct order from Ford to not talk about it, or if the news just hasn't reached them yet...based on that though I think I'm just going to make a new thread and start troubleshooting there.... Maybe FORSCAN can help with this issue.
  14. Well, sounds like the fix worked for you then, no...? Wish it would for me. I really don't wanna spend thousands of dollars on a new battery. I've only got about 75k miles on it though. I guess I'll just take it in to the dealer at some point and see if they can figure it out
  15. I hope I'm not necro-bumping this thread. I can't tell when the last comment was posted-- it only says "November 29" and doesn't include the year...my apologies if I shouldn't be replying to this thread anymore. Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone else is having trouble with this. After six months of dealing with 32-33 mpg, I did this fix about six months ago. For the first few days it worked great, seemed like the EV mode was way more responsive and my fuel mileage was in the 40s. Now it's back to its old self! It's winter, so I expect the fuel mileage to be considerably lower, but now I'm back to averaging 32.5 mpg-- way lower than I'd expect. I went back and redid this fix in case it didn't take the first time. But I think it did "take" the first time around-- during the procedure, the config battery age read "error" like before, but this time around the error marker was closer to 2 years than 10 (see image below). Anyone else find that this fix did not work the way they hoped? I don't know much about cars, but I saw that people have been talking about getting an HVB replacement. Is that worth looking into? (Much thanks for writing this procedure up anyway, OP! I'm glad it's helped so many other people.)
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