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Dallas Fusion 2012

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Everything posted by Dallas Fusion 2012

  1. Hey so I have a 2012 fusion se 2.5l and I've been trying to figure out why my puddle lights don't come on at all and neither of my side mirrors are working, so I figured it was the mirror switch which I got and was replacing when all of a sudden I realized that the whole problem is because the wiring harness plug is incompatible with the mirror connector. The plug for the wiring harness is a lot smaller than the one that needs to go to the mirror but I've done my research online and have confirmed that it is the correct mirror for my car and supposedly "guaranteed to fit". The mirror is exactly what is on the link and I've attached some pictures of what I'm talking about. Please give me some advice and help me out with this shit...any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance https://www.carparts.com/mirror/kool-vue/fd91el https://www.carparts.com/details/Ford/Fusion/Kool_Vue/2006-2012/FD91ER.html?TID=gglpla&origin=&utm_source=google&utm_medium=pla&utm_campaign=12317929649&gclid=CjwKCAiAjs2bBhACEiwALTBWZcE-Op_IBNzipOEkScGMJ3lfoI8RL7iY_SUEEjGq1SzGD7js3dMzkBoCUJYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
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