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Some lowlife keyed my car

Nelson guirado

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Hi Nelson. Sorry to see that happen to you and your Fusion.


It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish. There is no real way to make a deep scratch like that be unnoticeable and look like new again, without having the entire door panel repainted.


You could use touch-up paint to perform repeated touch ups and wet sandings/compoundings to build paint up in the scratch and make it look less noticeable from say, 20 feet away, but it will still be noticeable when closer. Especially on a black/dark colored metallic paint. A bit of work...and it takes a lot of patience and a bit of skill.


Vandalism is covered under the Comprehensive portion of your auto insurance. Do you have Comprehensive Coverage on your policy? If you do, what is your Comprehensive Deductible? If you have a $100 deductible or less (what I recommend to family and friends), you can have it repainted at a minimal cost.  It is a non-accident/no fault claim, so it should not affect your premiums, unless it happens repeatedly.


Let us know how you make out and good luck.

Edited by bbf2530
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