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Trunk Gun Mount


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Hey everyone,


As an avid modder, DIYer and shooter, I figured it was about time to install a gun mount in my trunk for when I want quicker access and don't feel like lugging a gun case around. My goal was to be able to transport my AR15 tucked up out of the way and away from prying eyes. Many people have rigged gun mounts to the actual trunk lid, and that wouldn't cut it for me as it puts your gun on display for everyone when the trunk is opened.


I started off with the QuickFist weapon clamps, and my initial plan was to bolt them directly into the trunk, up top. Of course, that would have been too easy, and nothing lined up.


Ended up cutting a board down to size, measuring out where to place the QuickFists, and where to drill the holes to mount the rig overhead in the trunk. This setup allowed me to use the preexisting holes in the trunk, so I didn't have to do any drilling.


Next step was stapling down some felt over the whole thing to give it a factory look and blend in with the rest of the interior. Before I knew it, I had the mount bolted in and secured. Works great, keeps my rifle secure, and is very discreet.

Excuse the cluttered garage, this was right before I gutted it. Knife making makes things look like a warzone!







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Pretty ingenious. As a Veteran and a supporter of the right to carry i see nothing wrong with this. He isn't storing it loaded and i don't see loose magazines rattling around in his trunk. This is no different than if kept it in a gun case a toted it around in his trunk. Terrorist...Really... They are more likely to rent a uhaul and plow you down while you wait to see Santa with your family by the Christmas tree off Main St. I personally have no need to tote around an AR in an easy to access area but to each their own.

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I suppose I didn't realize how un-gun friendly this community was.


I'm sure the terrorists will enjoy your post.


All very interesting, but this kind of stuff doesn't need to be shared with the world.


I feel as though a terrorist would not go through the effort of making a gun mount for their trunk. One could just as easily drive their Fusion through a crowd of people, or store their firearm in a backpack. There is a pretty big lapse in your sense there. You seem to think this is a criminal act, or dangerous.


Have you not seen the plethora of pickup trucks with window racks? Those are, in my opinion, riskier than what I have done as it puts your firearms on display for the public.

Good job Bozo!


I know I would always feel the need to drive around with an AR15 stashed in the trunk of my car.


I was going to make a joke, but in all honesty I'd prefer to take the moral high ground and not stoop to the level of your comment.


As an individual actively pursuing a career in law enforcement, a part-time security worker, an active sport shooter, and location of residence, I find it to be useful to have a secure, easily accessed mounting location in my vehicle. Not to mention I had quite a bit of fun, and shed a few obscenities while making it! I don't typically drive around with a rifle of any sort, as that is where a sidearm comes into play.


Pretty ingenious. As a Veteran and a supporter of the right to carry i see nothing wrong with this. He isn't storing it loaded and i don't see loose magazines rattling around in his trunk. This is no different than if kept it in a gun case a toted it around in his trunk. Terrorist...Really... They are more likely to rent a uhaul and plow you down while you wait to see Santa with your family by the Christmas tree off Main St. I personally have no need to tote around an AR in an easy to access area but to each their own.

Thank you, as a gun owner I take safety seriously. When transporting any rifle, I keep it locked up and with the ammunition and magazines stored away seperately.

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One of the things I enjoy most about this forum is that we don't generally get into controversial/political discussions. It's all about the cars and, for the most part, there's a level of civility and comaraderie here that isn't always found in other online forums. I'd like to keep it that way. Another forum, of which I'm a long-time member, has a separate section for this type of thing and you must read a disclaimer before entering. You can even choose to block it in your settings. I choose not to participate in that forum for a number of reasons. If we're going to forward with this discussion, let's please keep it on an adult level and remember the TOU you agreed to when you signed up, i.e., no name-calling, personal attacks, etc.


Happy holidays to all, no matter what you're celebrating.

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jpdooley - Thanks for the post. As an avid sport shooter I found it very interesting, and I'm surprised at some of the comments. You were not advocating anything, just sharing how to transport a sport rifle in your Fusion - a topic I found to be on target. (pun intended) As a CCW holder in the state of of Ohio I can just toss my Glock on the front seat - no problem; dumb, but no problem. I could do the same thing with an AR-15 but no way would I do that - dumber still. Your trunk mount is an excellent solution.

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My apologies to jpdooley. I was wrong to criticize his project and state that it would be beneficial to terrorists.


Posters in this thread are correct - we are hardly likely to be killed by terrorists who had weapons mounted in the trunks of their Fusions.


I am not too concerned about those who drive around with weapons mounted in the back windshield of their pickup trucks.


We are more likely to be killed by criminals with hidden weapons or by law enforcement officials than by terrorists.

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My apologies to jpdooley. I was wrong to criticize his project and state that it would be beneficial to terrorists.


Posters in this thread are correct - we are hardly likely to be killed by terrorists who had weapons mounted in the trunks of their Fusions.


I am not too concerned about those who drive around with weapons mounted in the back windshield of their pickup trucks.


We are more likely to be killed by criminals with hidden weapons or by law enforcement officials than by terrorists.

Now, that's a gentleman (or lady). I'm sure that wasn't easy for you, eGuru. Kudos. :thumbsup:


Just illustrates what I said earlier about the community here.

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eGuru, If you find yourself in S.E Michigan drop me line. Between my neighbor and I we have a small arsenal and in a 45 minute drive can be at a friends property where anything goes. It can be pretty theraputic.


jpdooely, I just hope you are taking it out when the car is parked! God for bid should you be broken into and they steal it.

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jpdooely, I just hope you are taking it out when the car is parked! God for bid should you be broken into and they steal it.

Indeed. I've only used it thus far while driving over to a friend's place to shoot. The guy owns about 200 some-odd acres, so we usually have a good time.


It does make me double think about leaving it in there unattended! One thing I miss about my NRA membership was the insurance, haha.


That's a nice setup, and much better than just floating around the trunk or cabin.


And best of luck on the career choice.

Thanks! I definitely like how much more secure it is this way, gives me more peace of mind.


And thanks again, it runs through half my family.

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How did you attach the board to the car?

I want to do this exact thing with my 300BLK pistol.

First thing I did was slide into the trunk with a flashlight and found some preexisting holes that I wanted to use. I ended up using the ones towards the back, there should be a big and small on on either side. Then I took a long strip of masking tape, stuck it on that section and over the holes. Next I used a knife and cut out the area where the holes were, removed the tape and stuck it to the board as a template. This allows you to drill your holes into the board without any guess work, and also keeps you from having to drill into your trunk.


Let me know if that that helps.

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