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'08 Milan E Brake Problem

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I have had my car for over a year now. And there is a list of things that have been fixed on my car. It was a true lemon and I never pushed it. In the first three month of owning the car, it was at the dealership for 30 days fixing problems. One problem that has not been fixed because nothing can be found wrong is my e brake.


What happens: If it rains, wash my car, or hot day and I use my e brake, it will stick. Must be parked for a few hours to cause this to happen. When brake is let down, a loud popping happens and I feel like the car brakes free. This past time was so bad it felt like I hit something.


Dealership has not been able to slove for over a year now. They have had it stick for them, but never find anything wrong. Any ideas? Warranty is up, now it is costing me money trying to find the problem.


Thank you!

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I have had my car for over a year now. And there is a list of things that have been fixed on my car. It was a true lemon and I never pushed it. In the first three month of owning the car, it was at the dealership for 30 days fixing problems. One problem that has not been fixed because nothing can be found wrong is my e brake.


What happens: If it rains, wash my car, or hot day and I use my e brake, it will stick. Must be parked for a few hours to cause this to happen. When brake is let down, a loud popping happens and I feel like the car brakes free. This past time was so bad it felt like I hit something.


Dealership has not been able to slove for over a year now. They have had it stick for them, but never find anything wrong. Any ideas? Warranty is up, now it is costing me money trying to find the problem.


Thank you!


Hi SR. :D Internet diagnosis of noises and many other issues is extremely difficult at best.


While it is impossible to tell exactly what type or how loud a noise you are experiencing, we can tell you this: Depending on several variables, a popping noise when you release the parking brake is not completely abnormal.


Do you park on an hill or incline (no matter how slight)? Do you live in a wet or relatively humid area? These could be just some of the contributing factors involved. When you have the chance, have someone else release the brake while you look and listen at the brake locations. See if you can determine the possible cause or exact location of the noise.


A parking brake is a relatively simple device. So if the brake is releasing properly, it may just be caused by other outside influences that are not related to any problem with your car. In other words, there may be nothing wrong with your car. Either way, the Dealer is your best place to find out.


Let us know the outcome.


Good luck. :beerchug:

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The car has been at the dealership and they have had this problem happen, while the car was parked in their lot. I find it very hard to believe that there may be nothing wrong with this car. I have restored a '65 and '71 mustang along with having other Fords and never once have I had a car that has this type of problem.


I did not come on here thinking anyone would know what the problem would be 100%. I came on here looking to see if anyone else was having the same problem.


I did state when it does happen. Hot days, after it rains, after I wash my car. And yes I do park on a hill. But it has proven to happen on flat ground. And do not give me the line "well don't use your ebrake".


I guess it was my mistake coming to a group of guys who drive these cars for some inside info. Sorry for taking up your time.


Thank you,


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The car has been at the dealership and they have had this problem happen, while the car was parked in their lot. I find it very hard to believe that there may be nothing wrong with this car. I have restored a '65 and '71 mustang along with having other Fords and never once have I had a car that has this type of problem.


I did not come on here thinking anyone would know what the problem would be 100%. I came on here looking to see if anyone else was having the same problem.


I did state when it does happen. Hot days, after it rains, after I wash my car. And yes I do park on a hill. But it has proven to happen on flat ground. And do not give me the line "well don't use your ebrake".


I guess it was my mistake coming to a group of guys who drive these cars for some inside info. Sorry for taking up your time.


Thank you,



Hi Sarah. My reply was completely courteous and well-intentioned. I did not give you the line " "well don't use your ebrake", and I was politely trying to assist you with a minimum of information. To me, it seems you do not have a problem. It is likely caused by surface rust and the pop is normal.


Be fair for a minute: According to you, you have "restored a '65 and '71 mustang ", you have your hands on your own car, can examine it, yet you can not find any defect. And your Dealer can not find a problem. Yet you are going to get mad at me for asking a few questions and taking the best Internet guess I can? That is why I mentioned that the Internet is worthless for this type of problem solving, and you proved my point.


It was not a "mistake coming to us" and there is no reason to sarcastically "apologize" for "taking up our time". But there is no need to be rude and you could certainly display a nicer attitude towards people who try to help you.


As I previously stated, it is not abnormal in wet or humid conditions to have a"popping" sound on parking brake release on modern cars. This is due to the build up of surface rust on the rotor due to the moisture. You may not like that answer, but it certainly seems your Dealer can find nothing wrong, so that answer may very well be correct.


You are free to not believe my advice. In that case, let your Dealer or another mechanic try to find the problem again. But there is no reason to be rude, just because it was not an answer you agree with.

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Hi Sarah. My reply was completely courteous and well-intentioned. I did not give you the line " "well don't use your ebrake", and I was politely trying to assist you with a minimum of information. To me, it seems you do not have a problem. It is likely caused by surface rust and the pop is normal.


Be fair for a minute: According to you, you have "restored a '65 and '71 mustang ", you have your hands on your own car, can examine it, yet you can not find any defect. And your Dealer can not find a problem. Yet you are going to get mad at me for asking a few questions and taking the best Internet guess I can? That is why I mentioned that the Internet is worthless for this type of problem solving, and you proved my point.


It was not a "mistake coming to us" and there is no reason to sarcastically "apologize" for "taking up our time". But there is no need to be rude and you could certainly display a nicer attitude towards people who try to help you.


As I previously stated, it is not abnormal in wet or humid conditions to have a"popping" sound on parking brake release on modern cars. This is due to the build up of surface rust on the rotor due to the moisture. You may not like that answer, but it certainly seems your Dealer can find nothing wrong, so that answer may very well be correct.


You are free to not believe my advice. In that case, let your Dealer or another mechanic try to find the problem again. But there is no reason to be rude, just because it was not an answer you agree with.

WOW! what a great helpful post to be answered so rudely by Sarah. You held your temper very well.

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  • 9 months later...

Hello sarah,

I am currently going through the same situation with my 2010 hybride fusion. I only have 4000 miles on it and my parking brakes stick also. It only does it when you first pull the car out of park after sitting for a while. A loud thug sound can be heard. I have to put some gas just to make the car move. This does not happen when i don't use the e-brake. Have you resolved you issue yet?

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I've had this happen over many cars/years. In wet weather shoes/pads rust to drums/rotors. You can often see the rusted outline of the pad on the rotor. It may be that different brands of pads will do this more or less. Since I park on the level at home I don't have this happen much. I just use emer brake while away because of this problem.

One thing to try would be to lightly drag your brakes (foot lightly on the pedal) just before arriving home to heat/dry the pads. I'm in Michigan so the spring is very wet.

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